Generally, it costs NT$1,941/night to stay at a 經濟型飯店 in 深圳. NT$224/night was the cheapest price recently found by our users for these types of hotels. The best rates for this accommodation in 深圳 is 萊茵花園城市青年旅舍.
How do prices at 經濟型飯店 compare to other hotels in 深圳?
HotelsCombined users have found that prices at 經濟型飯店 are generally less costly per night. HotelsCombined users find that the typical nightly rate for a 經濟型飯店 in 深圳 is around NT$1,941. 深圳飯店每晚的平均價格是NT$2,524。
Are there good 經濟型飯店 near 華強北商業街?
If you are looking for 經濟型飯店 close to 華強北商業街, there are 18 options in the area. The average nightly rate of a higher quality hotel near 華強北商業街 is NT$2,859. 深圳羅湖快捷假日酒店、深圳福田华强北希尔顿欢朋酒店和深圳罗湖地王亚朵酒店均是華強北商業街鄰近區域每晚價格通常最低的經濟型飯店住宿。