A good per night rate for a 親子飯店 in 深圳 is NT$2,730, which is average for the city. Travelers have found deals as low as NT$640/night for this accommodation in 深圳. The best rates for this accommodation in 深圳 is 深圳凯信快捷酒店.
The typical rate at a 親子飯店 in 深圳 will be more than rates at hotels that don’t have this accommodation. 平均來説,深圳的親子飯店住宿通常每晚要NT$2,730。 深圳飯店每晚的平均價格是NT$2,524。
If you are looking for 親子飯店 close to 華強北商業街, there are 35 options in the area. Expect to pay a nightly rate of NT$3,584 when staying at 親子飯店 within a 2 mile radius of 華強北商業街. Consider looking at 深圳星河麗思卡爾頓酒店, 萬德諾富特酒店深圳, and 深圳華強廣場酒店 when visiting the area. Those hotels are the cheapest 親子飯店 near 華強北商業街.