You can expect a nightly rate of NT$1,736 when looking for a 經濟型飯店 in 廈門. 而我們找到最便宜的經濟型飯店住宿優惠則是每晚NT$256。 The cheapest 經濟型飯店 in 廈門 is Xiamen Desti Youth Park Hostel Zhongshan Road.
As far as 經濟型飯店 are concerned, the price for this accommodation is actually less than the average nightly rate in 廈門. NT$1,736/night is what the majority of HotelsCombined users consider to be a good deal for a 經濟型飯店 in 廈門. The city of 廈門 itself will usually cost around NT$2,075/night for a hotel.
Are there good 經濟型飯店 near 中山路步行街?
If you are looking for 經濟型飯店 close to 中山路步行街, there are 15 options in the area. For the higher quality 經濟型飯店 located within 2 miles of 中山路步行街, the average price you’ll need to pay around NT$1,060/night. 厦门鹭岛49号别墅、鼓浪屿和院黛峯人文民宿和厦门鼓浪屿美日阳光旅馆均是中山路步行街鄰近區域每晚價格通常最低的經濟型飯店住宿。