芭東有水療設施的飯店住宿的平均價格是每晚NT$4,580。 Finding great rates on 有水療設施的飯店 can be tough, but the best nightly rate found in 芭東 was NT$322. 芭東城市家庭酒店 - 巴東則是芭東的有水療設施的飯店住宿中較便宜的選項。
How do prices at 有水療設施的飯店 compare to other hotels in 芭東?
HotelsCombined users have found that prices at 有水療設施的飯店 are generally more costly per night. The average price of a 有水療設施的飯店 in 芭東 is NT$4,580/night. Typically, a 芭東 hotel will go for NT$2,139/night.
Within 2 miles of 芭東海灘, there are 107 options for 有水療設施的飯店 which have a higher star rating (3 Stars and above). On average, you can expect to pay NT$2,513 per night when staying at 有水療設施的飯店 near 芭東海灘. The cheaper options in the area are 皇家棕櫚渡假酒店 - 巴東, 芭東拉克優雅飯店 - SHA Extra Plus 認證, and 巴拉米度假酒店.