Generally, it costs NT$3,142/night to stay at a 親子飯店 in 芭東. Travelers have found deals as low as NT$256/night for this accommodation in 芭東. 彼得潘度假村 - 巴東則是芭東的親子飯店住宿中較便宜的選項。
How do prices at 親子飯店 compare to other hotels in 芭東?
The average hotel in 芭東 will be less than a hotel that carries this accommodation. 親子飯店 are typically more expensive, but great deals can be found. HotelsCombined users find that the typical nightly rate for a 親子飯店 in 芭東 is around NT$3,142. The city of 芭東 itself will usually cost around NT$2,139/night for a hotel.
Are there good 親子飯店 near 芭東海灘?
Of all the 親子飯店 near 芭東海灘, there are 380 that are considered to be above average quality (3 Star rating or higher). Expect to pay a nightly rate of NT$1,772 when staying at 親子飯店 within a 2 mile radius of 芭東海灘. Typically, the cheapest 親子飯店 near 芭東海灘 are 暹羅棕櫚住宅, 芭東海灘公寓豪華飯店, and 布吉蘇克奇瓦公寓酒店 - 巴東.