You can expect a nightly rate of NT$4,242 when looking for a 有水療設施的飯店 in 華欣. 而我們找到最便宜的有水療設施的飯店住宿優惠則是每晚NT$383。 Our users visiting 華欣 have found that 里特拉青年旅舍 - 僅供成人入住 is usually the cheapest 有水療設施的飯店.
How do prices at 有水療設施的飯店 compare to other hotels in 華欣?
有水療設施的飯店住宿的價格通常會比一般華欣飯店的價格來得高。 Rates in 華欣 for a 有水療設施的飯店 are, on average, NT$4,242 per night. Hotels in 華欣, without this accommodation, will usually be available for NT$2,809 per night.
Are there good 有水療設施的飯店 near 華欣 Market Village 百貨商場?
There are 35 options for 有水療設施的飯店 over 3 Stars within 2 miles of 華欣 Market Village 百貨商場. Expect to pay a nightly rate of NT$5,012 when staying at 有水療設施的飯店 within a 2 mile radius of 華欣 Market Village 百貨商場. Consider looking at 奇瓦索姆國際健康度假酒店 - 華欣, 華欣瓦納納瓦假日度假村, and 華欣凱悅酒店 when visiting the area. Those hotels are the cheapest 有水療設施的飯店 near 華欣 Market Village 百貨商場.