Nightly rate typically run around NT$7,284 in 衝浪者天堂 for a 親子飯店. NT$2,000/night was the cheapest price recently found by our users for these types of hotels. The cheapest rates for a 親子飯店 in 衝浪者天堂 was at 天堂島度假酒店 - 滑浪者天堂.
How do prices at 親子飯店 compare to other hotels in 衝浪者天堂?
親子飯店住宿的價格通常會比一般衝浪者天堂飯店的價格來得高。 HotelsCombined users find that the typical nightly rate for a 親子飯店 in 衝浪者天堂 is around NT$7,284. If you’re looking to stay at a hotel in 衝浪者天堂, you should expect to pay NT$4,691/night.
Q1 Spa Gold Coast附近哪些親子飯店住宿的評價最高?
Within 2 miles of Q1 Spa Gold Coast, there are 66 options for 親子飯店 which have a higher star rating (3 Stars and above). The average nightly rate of a higher quality hotel near Q1 Spa Gold Coast is NT$4,892. The best 親子飯店 for the cheapest price near Q1 Spa Gold Coast are 溫德姆沖浪者天堂, 瑟夫帕拉達酒店 - 滑浪者天堂, and 芒特拉文斯酒店 - 滑浪者天堂.