Generally, it costs NT$5,852/night to stay at a 海灘飯店 in 衝浪者天堂. Finding great rates on 海灘飯店 can be tough, but the best nightly rate found in 衝浪者天堂 was NT$2,452. 海濱莊園度假酒店 is the cheapest 海灘飯店 in the city based on our data.
The average hotel in 衝浪者天堂 will be less than a hotel that carries this accommodation. 海灘飯店 are typically more expensive, but great deals can be found. NT$5,852/night is what the majority of HotelsCombined users consider to be a good deal for a 海灘飯店 in 衝浪者天堂. HotelsCombined users typically see a nightly rate of NT$4,691 when staying in the city.
Q1 Spa Gold Coast附近哪些海灘飯店住宿的評價最高?
Within 2 miles of Q1 Spa Gold Coast, there are 40 options for 海灘飯店 which have a higher star rating (3 Stars and above). Those planning on staying near Q1 Spa Gold Coast in a hotel with this accommodation should expect to pay around NT$6,011/night. Consider looking at 紅寶石系列飯店, 島民度假村飯店, and 雪佛龍曼特拉塔飯店 when visiting the area. Those hotels are the cheapest 海灘飯店 near Q1 Spa Gold Coast.