You can expect a nightly rate of NT$3,495 when looking for a 有水療設施的飯店 in 蘇州. Finding great rates on 有水療設施的飯店 can be tough, but the best nightly rate found in 蘇州 was NT$576. The cheapest 有水療設施的飯店 in 蘇州 is 格林豪泰常熟招商城快捷酒店.
How do prices at 有水療設施的飯店 compare to other hotels in 蘇州?
HotelsCombined users have found that prices at 有水療設施的飯店 are generally more costly per night. Rates in 蘇州 for a 有水療設施的飯店 are, on average, NT$3,495 per night. Hotels in 蘇州, without this accommodation, will usually be available for NT$3,116 per night.
Of all the 有水療設施的飯店 near 金雞湖, there are 12 that are considered to be above average quality (3 Star rating or higher). For the higher quality 有水療設施的飯店 located within 2 miles of 金雞湖, the average price you’ll need to pay around NT$3,833/night. On average, the cheapest rates near 金雞湖 can be found at 蘇州洲際酒店, 蘇州御庭精品酒店, and 苏州M Social酒店.