Generally, it costs NT$7,571/night to stay at a 親子飯店 in 普吉. Travelers have found deals as low as NT$224/night for this accommodation in 普吉. The best rates for this accommodation in 普吉 is Terminal58hostel@town.
How do prices at 親子飯店 compare to other hotels in 普吉?
Nightly rates at 親子飯店 will likely cost you more than if you were to stay at other 普吉 hotels. You should expect to pay NT$7,571 per night if you are looking to book a 親子飯店 in the city of 普吉. 普吉飯店每晚的平均價格是NT$2,085。
Are there good 親子飯店 near 布吉老鎮?
Within 2 miles of 布吉老鎮, there are 69 options for 親子飯店 which have a higher star rating (3 Stars and above). Those planning on staying near 布吉老鎮 in a hotel with this accommodation should expect to pay around NT$1,143/night. 普吉島中國屋公寓酒店 - 布吉、布吉新諾酒店 - 布吉和Arco Phuket Town均是布吉老鎮鄰近區域每晚價格通常最低的親子飯店住宿。