新雪谷町有水療設施的飯店住宿的平均價格是每晚NT$9,391。 NT$2,038/night was the cheapest price recently found by our users for these types of hotels. The best rates for this accommodation in 新雪谷町 is 安努普利渡假飯店.
How do prices at 有水療設施的飯店 compare to other hotels in 新雪谷町?
有水療設施的飯店住宿的價格通常會比一般新雪谷町飯店的價格來得高。 The average price of a 有水療設施的飯店 in 新雪谷町 is NT$9,391/night. Typically, a 新雪谷町 hotel will go for NT$3,900/night.
Are there good 有水療設施的飯店 near 新雪谷安努普利纜車?
If you are looking for 有水療設施的飯店 close to 新雪谷安努普利纜車, there are 9 options in the area. The average nightly rate of a higher quality hotel near 新雪谷安努普利纜車 is NT$5,734. On average, the cheapest rates near 新雪谷安努普利纜車 can be found at 北海道新雪谷希爾頓度假酒店, 高级公寓酒店二世古, and 二世谷昆布溫泉鶴雅別墅杢之抄.