You can expect a nightly rate of NT$13,207 when looking for a 親子飯店 in 新雪谷町. A nightly rate as low as NT$1,055 has recently been found by our users. 二世古區六號酒店 is the cheapest 親子飯店 in the city based on our data.
Nightly rates at 親子飯店 will likely cost you more than if you were to stay at other 新雪谷町 hotels. Rates in 新雪谷町 for a 親子飯店 are, on average, NT$13,207 per night. Hotels in 新雪谷町, without this accommodation, will usually be available for NT$3,900 per night.
If you are looking for 親子飯店 close to 新雪谷安努普利纜車, there are 12 options in the area. For the higher quality 親子飯店 located within 2 miles of 新雪谷安努普利纜車, the average price you’ll need to pay around NT$6,744/night. The best 親子飯店 for the cheapest price near 新雪谷安努普利纜車 are 二世谷昆布溫泉鶴雅別墅杢之抄, 甘露之森酒店, and 新雪谷綠葉村飯店.