How much does it cost to stay at a 歡迎寵物的飯店 in 檀香山?
Nightly rate typically run around NT$9,948 in 檀香山 for a 歡迎寵物的飯店. NT$1,884/night was the cheapest price recently found by our users for these types of hotels. The cheapest 歡迎寵物的飯店 in 檀香山 is Waikiki Banyan-Amazing Walk to the Beach.
How do prices at 歡迎寵物的飯店 compare to other hotels in 檀香山?
歡迎寵物的飯店 in 檀香山 will likely cost you more money than booking other hotels in the city. 平均來説,檀香山的歡迎寵物的飯店住宿通常每晚要NT$9,948。 The city of 檀香山 itself will usually cost around NT$7,092/night for a hotel.
Are there good 歡迎寵物的飯店 near 威基基海灘?
Of all the 歡迎寵物的飯店 near 威基基海灘, there are 25 that are considered to be above average quality (3 Star rating or higher). On average, you can expect to pay NT$7,232 per night when staying at 歡迎寵物的飯店 near 威基基海灘. The best 歡迎寵物的飯店 for the cheapest price near 威基基海灘 are 阿瓜威基基珍珠酒店, 水上綠洲飯店, and 威基基沙灘別墅飯店.