A 有水療設施的飯店 in 會安 can typically be found for NT$1,766/night. 而我們找到最便宜的有水療設施的飯店住宿優惠則是每晚NT$192。 The best rates for this accommodation in 會安 is 宏道別墅酒店 - 會安.
How do prices at 有水療設施的飯店 compare to other hotels in 會安?
The average hotel in 會安 will be less than a hotel that carries this accommodation. 有水療設施的飯店 are typically more expensive, but great deals can be found. Rates in 會安 for a 有水療設施的飯店 are, on average, NT$1,766 per night. Typically, a 會安 hotel will go for NT$1,481/night.
There are 118 options for 有水療設施的飯店 over 3 Stars within 2 miles of 會安古城. Those planning on staying near 會安古城 in a hotel with this accommodation should expect to pay around NT$1,276/night. Maison Fleur Luxury Hoi An、宏道別墅酒店 - 會安和Son Hoi An Boutique Hotel & Spa均是會安古城鄰近區域每晚價格通常最低的有水療設施的飯店住宿。