Nightly rate typically run around NT$5,461 in 格拉斯哥 for a 經濟型飯店. NT$1,023/night was the cheapest price recently found by our users for these types of hotels. The cheapest rates for a 經濟型飯店 in 格拉斯哥 was at 蘇格蘭格拉斯哥syha青年旅舍.
The typical rate at a 經濟型飯店 in 格拉斯哥 will be more than rates at hotels that don’t have this accommodation. HotelsCombined users find that the typical nightly rate for a 經濟型飯店 in 格拉斯哥 is around NT$5,461. If you’re looking to stay at a hotel in 格拉斯哥, you should expect to pay NT$3,039/night.
There are 69 options for 經濟型飯店 over 3 Stars within 2 miles of 格拉斯哥大學. On average, you can expect to pay NT$4,783 per night when staying at 經濟型飯店 near 格拉斯哥大學. The cheaper options in the area are Sandman Signature Glasgow Hotel, 靛藍格拉斯哥酒店 - 格拉斯哥, and 格拉斯哥達科他酒店.