A good per night rate for a 親子飯店 in 大勒 is NT$897, which is average for the city. A nightly rate as low as NT$192 has recently been found by our users. The cheapest rates for a 親子飯店 in 大勒 was at 大叻開心青旅.
How do prices at 親子飯店 compare to other hotels in 大勒?
親子飯店 in 大勒 will likely cost you less money than booking other hotels in the city. The average price of a 親子飯店 in 大勒 is NT$897/night. The city of 大勒 itself will usually cost around NT$1,191/night for a hotel.
There are 215 options for 親子飯店 over 3 Stars within 2 miles of 大叻市中心. Those planning on staying near 大叻市中心 in a hotel with this accommodation should expect to pay around NT$1,047/night. Robins Guesthouse、大叻艾麗斯飯店和大叻禪谷旅館 - 大叻均是大叻市中心鄰近區域每晚價格通常最低的親子飯店住宿。