A good per night rate for a 經濟型飯店 in 安那翰 is NT$8,936, which is average for the city. If you’re looking for this accommodation in 安那翰, you may be pleased to know that our users have recently found deals as low as NT$1,339 per night. Bposhtels Anaheim則是安那翰的經濟型飯店住宿中較便宜的選項。
How do prices at 經濟型飯店 compare to other hotels in 安那翰?
經濟型飯店住宿的價格通常會比一般安那翰飯店的價格來得高。 平均來説,安那翰的經濟型飯店住宿通常每晚要NT$8,936。 If you’re looking to stay at a hotel in 安那翰, you should expect to pay NT$6,059/night.
Are there good 經濟型飯店 near 迪士尼樂園?
Within 2 miles of 迪士尼樂園, there are 20 options for 經濟型飯店 which have a higher star rating (3 Stars and above). Those planning on staying near 迪士尼樂園 in a hotel with this accommodation should expect to pay around NT$5,416/night. Consider looking at Bposhtels Anaheim, The Viv Hotel, Anaheim, a Tribute Portfolio Hotel, and 阿納海姆梅恩蓋特springhill Suites酒店 when visiting the area. Those hotels are the cheapest 經濟型飯店 near 迪士尼樂園.