壽豐鄉商務飯店住宿的平均價格是每晚NT$3,245。 NT$1,119/night was the cheapest price recently found by our users for these types of hotels. The cheapest 商務飯店 in 壽豐鄉 is 窗外的海民宿.
The average hotel in 壽豐鄉 will be less than a hotel that carries this accommodation. 商務飯店 are typically more expensive, but great deals can be found. The average price of a 商務飯店 in 壽豐鄉 is NT$3,245/night. Hotels in 壽豐鄉, without this accommodation, will usually be available for NT$3,230 per night.
Are there good 商務飯店 near 花蓮遠雄海洋公園?
If you are looking for 商務飯店 close to 花蓮遠雄海洋公園, there are 12 options in the area. For the higher quality 商務飯店 located within 2 miles of 花蓮遠雄海洋公園, the average price you’ll need to pay around NT$2,551/night. Consider looking at 慕夏四季海景民宿, 斯圖亞特海洋莊園民宿, and 花蓮遠雄悅來大飯店 when visiting the area. Those hotels are the cheapest 商務飯店 near 花蓮遠雄海洋公園.