A good per night rate for a 商務飯店 in 金湖鎮 is NT$1,817, which is average for the city. Finding great rates on 商務飯店 can be tough, but the best nightly rate found in 金湖鎮 was NT$352. Lin Ju B&B is the cheapest 商務飯店 in the city based on our data.
How do prices at 商務飯店 compare to other hotels in 金湖鎮?
The typical rate at a 商務飯店 in 金湖鎮 will be more than rates at hotels that don’t have this accommodation. Rates in 金湖鎮 for a 商務飯店 are, on average, NT$1,817 per night. If you’re looking to stay at a hotel in 金湖鎮, you should expect to pay NT$1,699/night.