A 親子飯店 in 車城鄉 can typically be found for NT$2,870/night. Travelers have found deals as low as NT$1,183/night for this accommodation in 車城鄉. 海比尼斯則是車城鄉的親子飯店住宿中較便宜的選項。
親子飯店 in 車城鄉 will likely cost you less money than booking other hotels in the city. You should expect to pay NT$2,870 per night if you are looking to book a 親子飯店 in the city of 車城鄉. Typically, a 車城鄉 hotel will go for NT$2,876/night.
Are there good 親子飯店 near 四重溪溫泉?
If you are looking for 親子飯店 close to 四重溪溫泉, there are 3 options in the area. 如果你在找四重溪溫泉附近高於3星級的親子飯店住宿,這些住宿的價格平均要每晚NT$3,583。 Typically, the cheapest 親子飯店 near 四重溪溫泉 are 墾丁長灘休閒飯店, 牡丹風情溫泉行館, and 茴香戀戀溫泉會館.