How much does it cost to stay at a 有水療設施的飯店 in 阿蘇?
You can expect a nightly rate of NT$5,320 when looking for a 有水療設施的飯店 in 阿蘇. 而我們找到最便宜的有水療設施的飯店住宿優惠則是每晚NT$3,235。 The best rates for this accommodation in 阿蘇 is 阿蘇之司別墅公園飯店&spa度假區.
How do prices at 有水療設施的飯店 compare to other hotels in 阿蘇?
有水療設施的飯店住宿的價格通常會比一般阿蘇飯店的價格來得高。 平均來説,阿蘇的有水療設施的飯店住宿通常每晚要NT$5,320。 Typically, a 阿蘇 hotel will go for NT$4,893/night.